New Bible Study

We will be studying the Gospel of John. This study will go chapter by chapter and lead us to the cross and resurrection of Jesus. 

We meet at 10:00am or 6:00pm on Wednesdays in the New Beginnings Room.  For more information contact Michael. 


All classes meet from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings. For more information or assistance in finding a class which suits your needs, call the church office at 901-476-9694.

We provide nursery services for children from birth to 3 years old. The nursery is located in room A102 and A103 on the Educational Building first floor. Our nursery is staffed by employees and volunteers. To provide security to the child and parent, all parents are required to leave a contact number if parental assistance is required.

Enjoy Class

Average age of this class is 20 – 40, made of singles and couples. Class lessons include a variety of topics relating to life changing situations in an informal, open discussion format. Classroom is located on the top floor of the Education Building in room A301.

G.O. Class ( God’s Orderlies)

Class consists of mostly senior couples. The class is an open discussion format. The class is very active in Christian service and mission activities. Classroom is located on the lower level of the Worship Building.  

H.O.P.E Class (Hearts Open, Possibilities Endless)

Attended by women only ages 40+, this class is taught by various class members with a focus on drawing closer to God through short term studies in a discussion format. Most of the members have jobs and families. The class meets on the third floor of the Education Building, first door on the left.

Legacy Class

Average age in this class is 30-45, mostly parents of young children. The class is a combination of a lesson and discussion from a variety of topics selected by the class. The classroom is located on the top floor of the Education Building room 304.

Men’s Bible Class

The class is attended by men of all ages. Lessons are taught in lecture format using International Lessons series. Classroom is located on the lower level of the Worship Building.  

God’s Grace Class

Small group with a variety of ages, married couples and singles, and is primarily study and discussion. Meets at the Christian Life Center at 9:30am.  

Now Class

Lessons cover a wide range of personal faith topics with each unit lasting 6 to 12 weeks. Studies are usually picked from Cokesbury materials and the class is discussion format taught by various members. The class includes couples and singles, age 55+. This class is located on the second floor of the Education Building, in the Archives Room.